Mission Critical Subsystems
• Stabilized Targeting Pods (EO/IR dual-mode with intelligent tracking)
• Programmable Munition Release Mechanisms
• Secure Data Link Systems with military-grade encryption
• Anti-Jamming Navigation Modules (GNSS/INS fusion architecture)

Bomb Release Gear
Wyvern bomb release gear is a bomb dropping device designed for mortars, using a reliable and stable caliper fixed structure, which can be loaded with one button, with a safety pin, which can trigger the bomb drop through the lever device of the remote ground station, or the automatic delivery of the route.

Gimbal Camera Systems
Engineered for mission-critical surveillance and precision targeting, our military-grade gimbal cameras integrate advanced electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors to deliver unmatched stability and clarity in dynamic combat environments. Featuring AI-enhanced auto-tracking and multi-spectral imaging capabilities, these ruggedized systems maintain laser-focused targeting through extreme maneuvers, turbulence, and electromagnetic interference.

Date Link
Our military-proven data links ensure encrypted, real-time command and sensor data transmission between UAVs and ground control stations. Engineered with adaptive frequency-hopping and anti-jamming protocols, these robust systems maintain continuous connectivity in contested electromagnetic environments. Featuring multi-band operation, low-latency streaming, and multi-platform interoperability, our solutions guarantee mission-critical reliability for beyond-line-of-sight operations.